Thursday, March 12


The first meeting in a three meeting series is tonight at Greenwood Baptist Church (2401 Claussen Road), 5:00-7:00PM with a formal presentation by yours truely at 6:00PM.

We'll be talking about the County's Land Use - drafted maps will be displayed to discuss and mark upon while County staff takes notes on your reactions.

Charles Tomlinson of the The Morning News wrote a great article in yesterday's paper.

Our goal for the evening is to show off the drafted land use map and interact with the community to see what you want to see in the next 20-30 years. The Future Land Use map is the vision of the community and will be part of the County's Comprehensive Plan.

The City of Florence is also embarking on updating their comprehensive plan and City staff may be there too. We hope these two plans will come together in a coherent, seemless transition at the City/Unincorporated boundary.

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