Monday, March 23

Plan to Battle Sprawl in Florence

Robert Puentes, planning guru with The Brookings Institute, recently made an invited appearance to the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Appropriations to discuss the link between housing and transportation. Here's a exerpt...

Between 1980 and 2000, the growth of the largest 99 metro areas in the continental U.S. consumed 16 million acres of rural land, or about one acre for every new household. Indicative of this outward sprawl is the fact that more than 70 percent of the 100 largest metros' recent population growth over the same period of time occurred outside of principal cities...

Is this true to lil' ol' Florence?


The rate of spawl can be noticed for anyone traveling in any direction from the center of the City of Florence. Commercial areas line Palmetto Street west towards Timmonsville and South Irby Street towards Coward. Heading west on Hoffmeyer past I-95 is and may be nothing but residential and a large school complex, which means the two lane road will need expansion and alternative routes established.

All this is happening while core City areas become and remain vacant.

This sprawl leads to governments paying for increased police and fire protection while providing sewer and water services.

Yes, growth is good and Florence needs to grow, but let's grow responsibly.

Check out the draft of the Future Land Use element of the County Comprehensive Plan this Thursday at Family Life Church, 2812 West Palmetto Street. We will be there from 5:00PM until 7:00PM with a presentation at 6:00PM. Drop in to comment on our maps and share your vision.

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