It’s the beginning of April, and that means it’s ozone season once again.
That means that our higher temperatures, mingling with vehicle exhaust and intense sunlight, will create more ozone. Some days, there is too much of a bad thing (exhaust) and we have a problem: high ozone. This elevated ozone can affect our health and especially affect those of us who already have pulmonary issues such as asthma.

Check out DHEC's Air Quality forecast page.
Today was forecasted as GREEN – so there is a low threat of ozone; but throughout the season, when an elevated ozone level is forecasted, I’ll send out a notice so that precautions can be taken (like stay indoors or turning off the car while visiting the 301 Drive-In!)
Of course, I would like to spread the word – E-mail me to be added to a distribution list for air quality forecasts.
Let this be an uneventful ozone season! Last year, we already had some 'moderate' ozone days by May.
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