Everyone knows to pack a picnic lunch if you are thinking about using that infamous intersection known as five-points - the grouping of Cashua, Palmetto, Cherokee and Hoffmeyer. Technically a six road convergence, this intersection may make up most of your commuting frustration.
But There's Hope!
Florence County with its Transportation Study (FLATS) will be kicking off efforts for a long-range plan for our urban road network. This plan will guide development and upgrades to our road network. The area of study includes the City of Florence, Town of Quinby and even contains portions of southeast Darlington County up to McIver Road.
Want sidewalks in your neighborhood? - tell us how to prioritize them.
Want to see bike lanes on our major roads? - show us where you want them.
Have an better idea to get from Point A to Point B - show us on the map.
Want to see a bus stop nearer to you? - Let us see how to make that happen.
Come and talk with us about traveling to, within, through, and out of Florence: Tuesday, May 12, at the Drs. Bruce and Lee Main Library, 5:30 to 7:30
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