It's up and running!
County staff writing about planning policies of Florence County, South Carolina: Future Land Use, Zoning, Transportation, Air Quality and Quality of Life.
Monday, April 27
Futuristic Web
It's up and running!
Wednesday, April 22
Earth Day - County's frugal plan
The Future Land Use Element represents a culmination of many elements of the Florence County Comprehensive Plan. Information from the Population, Community Facilities, Economic Development and Natural Resources elements are utilized to create the foundation for directing responsible future growth in the County. The Future Land Use element incorporates the analysis and future strategy of these elements and emphasizes sustainability and prudence as the priority objective for growth. The overarching goal is to create efficiency in utilizing our manufactured and natural infrastructure.Feel free to send me any feedback.
I recently read some interesting material comparing the effectiveness of frugality and efficiency in a sort of 'chicken or the egg' discussion. Except, this time the benefit is clear to be frugal before being efficient; whereas, the opposite holds little confidence of arriving at both.
Thursday, April 16
Lynches River Scenic Water Trail
We all know the Lynches River is an outstanding recreational resource for fishing, hunting, camping and boating, but did you know this? "Lynches River has its headwaters in Union County, North Carolina, and is free flowing for its entire length, which is almost 175 miles, until it meets with the Great Pee Dee River in Southeastern Florence County."
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is in the process of preparing a Boating Guide with information designed to assist the public with accessing and traveling the river by boat or kayak to promote appreciation, conservation and protection of the river's resources.
The river section that is the object of this guidebook is the South Carolina-designated Lynches Scenic River which flows roughly 111 miles from U.S. Highway 15 Bridge in Lee County to its confluence with the Great Pee Dee River, another South Carolina State Scenic River.
Some information you will find in the guidebook includes:
- Natural and human history of the river,
- River Conservation,
- River access landings with approximate distances & times between landings via both roadway and water,
- Different types of species,
- Boating regulations,
- Hunting, fishing & camping regulations,
- River etiquette & ethics,
- River safety, and
- Maps and pictures
The dedication for this water trail will be held at one of the landings sometime this summer. The 'waterproof' guidebooks will be given out at the dedication.
I'll keep you posted with the date, time and location.
Hybrid Rebates
The first hybrid rebate is in the mail and three more are currently being processed. So far, there have been applications for purchases of the Toyota Prius and the Honda Civic Hybrids. There are several choices out there. What's your preference?
Florence County has started the ball rolling for better air quality by offering $500 rebates for new hybrid car purchases from February 19, 2009 through July 01, 2009 or until the money is exhausted. The budget will accommodate 40 applicants which means 36 remain.
Thinking of buying a new car? Check out this application. You could be riding in a new hybrid, contributing to the betterment of the environment and have $500 coming to you from Florence County. It's all about choices!
Let's see how many hybrids arrive at the Florence After Five celebration May 1st! See the Florence After Five blog for more information.
Wednesday, April 15
Florence After Five
"Friday After Five" is their theme, presented by the City and the Florence Downtown Development Corporation. The events will be held the first Friday of every month beginning May 1st for five consecutive weeks .... (June 5, July 3, August 7 and September 4th).
The location is at 'THE PLAZA' (which is the space across from Central United Methodist Church in downtown Florence) from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Each event will feature a Live Band. There will be Food & Beverages for purchase and admission is FREE. It's open for people of all ages, so bring your children for a night of family fun.
The WOODYS, a popular local cover band, will perform at the first event on May 1st. I have not heard them yet, so I'm really looking forward to this.
The proceeds for these events will go towards the City's Downtown Revitalization project. I cannot think of a better reason to donate money.
The concert series is underwritten by Victor's Bistro and Garden Room. Other sponsors include Crown Beverages, Roche Carolina, First Reliance Bank, Harrington Vision Center, Dilmar Oil and Pepsi. Thanks to all for this generosity.
Come on out and join the fun! Hope to see you there!
Monday, April 13
Beyond Five- (Six!-) Points
Everyone knows to pack a picnic lunch if you are thinking about using that infamous intersection known as five-points - the grouping of Cashua, Palmetto, Cherokee and Hoffmeyer. Technically a six road convergence, this intersection may make up most of your commuting frustration.
But There's Hope!
Florence County with its Transportation Study (FLATS) will be kicking off efforts for a long-range plan for our urban road network. This plan will guide development and upgrades to our road network. The area of study includes the City of Florence, Town of Quinby and even contains portions of southeast Darlington County up to McIver Road.
Want sidewalks in your neighborhood? - tell us how to prioritize them.
Want to see bike lanes on our major roads? - show us where you want them.
Have an better idea to get from Point A to Point B - show us on the map.
Want to see a bus stop nearer to you? - Let us see how to make that happen.
Come and talk with us about traveling to, within, through, and out of Florence: Tuesday, May 12, at the Drs. Bruce and Lee Main Library, 5:30 to 7:30
Tuesday, April 7
Speaking of Long-Range... and transportation
Wednesday, April 1
Ohhhhzone, not again!
It’s the beginning of April, and that means it’s ozone season once again.
That means that our higher temperatures, mingling with vehicle exhaust and intense sunlight, will create more ozone. Some days, there is too much of a bad thing (exhaust) and we have a problem: high ozone. This elevated ozone can affect our health and especially affect those of us who already have pulmonary issues such as asthma.
Check out DHEC's Air Quality forecast page.
Today was forecasted as GREEN – so there is a low threat of ozone; but throughout the season, when an elevated ozone level is forecasted, I’ll send out a notice so that precautions can be taken (like stay indoors or turning off the car while visiting the 301 Drive-In!)
Of course, I would like to spread the word – E-mail me to be added to a distribution list for air quality forecasts.
Let this be an uneventful ozone season! Last year, we already had some 'moderate' ozone days by May.