Likewise, the short-term planning must always be evaluated to see if we are heading in the right direction.
So, I focus a bit from our 20-30 year visioning onto our next garden plantings. I am personally looking forward to adding two more raised beds in the yard to expand our fruits and vegetables growing capacity. Also, I am planning on growing some native fruiting shrubs to complement the annuals.
Why, you doth ask?
To be more ecologically and economically sustainable! Think of these as my Economic Freedom Gardens!
In some news reviews, I found a new initiative called "Sustainable Sites" - sponsored by the International Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and the U.S. Botanical Garden. The project wants to create voluntary national guidelines and performance benchmarks for sustainable land design, construction and maintenance practices. It's a mouthful; but, in essence it means to grow what's native to our area to sustain us and native animals.
Although I know the garlic and strawberries are native to other locales, I am looking to experiment with sassafras, grapes, pawpaw and cranberry. Check out this blog for more ideas.
Also, for some local news about some of our own organic growers, see this recent Morning News article.
What are you planning on for you next garden?
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