Tis' the season for comprehensive plan updates. Darlington County recently made the news about their updates to their Future Land Use proposals. Likewise, Florence County is planning on a series of public meetings to focus on discussing the Future Land Use for areas around the City of Florence... but that is on the horizon (e-mail me if you want to be notified of these meetings)
For now let's talk about the part of the comp plan that will be heading to the Planning Commission on January 27th. The Community Facilities element has been taking shape for the past couple of months by surveying the community stakeholders for information, a workshop for the Planning Commission members and lots of public comments (THANK YOU!). You still have time to review the document... even if you only want to look at the pictures. Go to the Florence County Planning website and scroll to the bottom - there you will find a link to the element's pdf document.
Also, you will find the Administrative Procedures portion for the comprehensive plan. This document will guide how the comp plan is updated and used. Although not an element like the Community Facilities or Land Use, this is a very important part!
We are ticking down to a complete County Comprehensive Plan!
What's next? Future Land Use (already in the works), Transportation and Priority Investment.
Stay tuned and share your vision for Florence County's future!
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