Transportation Planning and the Comprehensive Plan are the two big-time consumers of our focus:

The most important item is the presentation by our recommended consultant to do Florence's long-range transportation plan... what roads will be widened, circled, razed or paved... I invite all those citizens that drive cars, bicycles or walk to join in on the discussion...
Otherwise, every street will be limited to two-way traffic and have bicycle lanes, adequate sidewalks, tree lined medians and an occasional traffic circle. If you are okay with that, then don't worry - we've got you covered!
Comprehensive Plan: Again, this is the County's vision 20-30 years into the future. This plan should answer questions like 'where will the next school be built?', 'how many parks will we need for our growing population?', 'how many police will we need in the future?' and 'how do we grow responsibly?'
We are currently working on the Community Facilities and Future Land Use elements. Community Facilities focuses on infrastructure like roads, police, fire, sewer, schools, parks, etc. whereas the Future Land Use is the framework towards zoning (keeping the cold side cold and the hot side hot - see my previous blog)
At this Tuesday's County Planning Commission meeting (6:30PM City/County Complex, Rm 803), a workshop for planning members will be discussed for the Community Facilities element. We are currently finishing up maps and stats which we will share after the workshop (proposed for Nov 13th).
How do we integrate sustainability into our plans? Now that is a good question to bring up to any planning commission member, elected official or employee of the City or County planning departments. They'll thank you for it!

We know there are planners out there - please help us plan for the next 30 years!
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