Wednesday, May 6

The Traffic!

It's coming! Are you ready?

Have you been to parties, meetings, farmer's market, airport or the coffee shop when 'the traffic!' discussion arises?

"Marge, I got stuck in the worst traffic on the way here."

"Oh I know, Brenda" Marge replies, "I can't stand it."

Well, everyone is in luck! The Florence Area Transportation Study is here to jot every quip and thought you may have to improve our transportation system: roads, transit, bikeways, pedestrian facilities - if it takes you from point A to B, we will be discussing it.

And the kickoff meeting is Tuesday, May 12th, 5:30-7:30 at the Drs. Bruce and Lee Library on Dargan Street, Florence. Up until the meeting, I will be posting traffic questions on the blog - so take some time to let us know some basic info.

Be there; do something about 'the traffic!' discussion.


  1. Please look at doing something to Turner Road. Since the new 301 opened there is major traffic on this road. Since, McLaurin Ele. School is off of Turner Road there is major traffic. Most days there is traffic backed up to the new 301 trying to get to the school on McMillan lane. This is a SERIOUS problem.

  2. Thank you for the information. We will address at the meeting tomorrow evening.
