Monday, September 22

Planning This Week | September 22, 2008

FLATS - Transportation issues are taking center stage this week. The Florence Area Transportation Study (FLATS, yes, I know you already know that acronym) will be finalizing our recommendation for a contractor to help with the long-range transportation plan and transportation element of the County's comprehensive plan. Three submittals have been reviewed and the final tallies will be completed today.

The next stops: Study Team (a technical group) meeting next month to get the okay to recommend a contractor to the Policy Committee (decision-making body) - also to be scheduled for next month.

October will be busy for transportation planners!

Comprehensive Plan - We are heading to Scranton this Wednesday to discuss our drafted future land use plan with the Town's administration. We should also be able to get a public hearing date to show the plan off to the public.

The Community Facilities element continues to take shape and should be ready as a workshop for the Planning Commission (yes, you guessed it!) next month!

October may be busy for long-range planners!

Air Quality - So many things happening on this front... unfortunately, two meetings have already occurred: The Water and Energy Stakeholder's meeting at Francis Marion University held last Tuesday night and the County Council meeting last Thursday where County Planning presented the status of our air quality.

The Water and Energy meeting was fantastic. The goal was to act as a public forum for a State Senate subcommittee whom are seeking comments about water and energy programs... and they got a lot of comments!

The County Council presentation resulted in the Council requesting a list of potential programs that will be result in cleaner air. So far, this year, we are in attainment - but the next two years will be tough! Send me your ideas to be incorporated into the list to the County Council.

October busy for air quality planners? - oh yeah!

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