Yep, you read it correct, another sustainability blog! It's so important, I can't contain myself. I have to share things with you as I am introduced to them. Have any of you ever heard of Hurricane Leon? No, not a storm! He is a Florence resident whose place of business is just a few blocks north of Lucas Street on North Irby. (Look for the boat with the huge fish on it at the edge of his property)
The Planning Services Department had the opportunity to meet him, visit his facility and listen to him talk about something he is very passionate about. He operates a small vegetable farm and has started experimenting with organics, (foods that do not contain chemical pesticides),
If you're interested in seeing his facility and listening to his wonderful passion, I'm sure he would be delighted to hear from you. (
Mr. Crump is the director of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund's state office in Florence. He is a member of the South Carolina Outreach Council and serves on the executive board of the National Family Farm Coalition. In 2002, he was appointed a Food and Society Policy Fellow, a national fellowship program designed to educate consumers, opinion leaders and policymakers on the challenges associated with sustaining family farms and food systems in the United States that are environmentally sound, health promoting and locally owned and controlled. 
Mr. Crump assisted Williams Middle School in starting a Community Garden that the students learn from and maintain. It's awesome!
Keeping in line with Mr. Crump's passion, Eat Smart Move More (ESMM) Florence Chapter, in association with the South Carolina Public Health Institute and Francis Marion University's Advancing Rural Community Health (ARCH) are hosting a Home & Community Gardening Forum & Panel Discussion on November 9th from 5:30 - 7 p.m.. It will be held at Francis Marion University in the Lowrimore Auditorium. The speaker will be Carrie Draper, MSW who is the Healthcare organizer with S.C. Fair Share. Mr. Crump will participate on the panel. If you're interested in learning how to start and sustain a home, school or community garden, this is the event for you on November 9th.
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