Wednesday, June 3

I survived a neon vest.

After a grueling day being buffetted by warm breeze and pounded by clear skies... okay, nevermind - I had a great time at five-points yesterday.

Here is the low-down on the car counts: average number of cars per cycle in the morning was 150. The afternoon numbers jumped significantly to 211 vehicles per cycle. We saw at some times that cars had to wait a second cycle to pass the intersection... and the total bicyclists was 5 that we saw (we were there at "rush-hour" periods, 7-9 and 4-6).

One thing for certain, Five Points is not pedestrian friendly! No crosswalks, no signals, lacking ramps on some sides. Yikes!

I have forwarded the results onto our consultants to do some fancy computations, which I will share with you. What will be interesting to see is specific characterisitcs of the individual roads. Palmetto going away from downtown was VERY busy in the afternoon, but it still seemed to work to allow all the traffic through.

I saw a lot of friends too! ...and a lot of four-legged co-pilots!

...then something scarey - a cute little girl in the front seat without a seat belt on! Yikes!

Happy travels!

1 comment:

  1. This is fascinating, thanks! I am constantly seeing people with unbuckled children or worse-- infant seats propped up in the front seat.
