Anyone out there familiar with The Scenic Rivers Program, established by the SC Scenic Rivers Act 1989? I wasn't until I was fortunate enough to be asked to join the Lynches Scenic River Advisory Committee. The upper section of the Lynches River was designated a State Scenic River on March 24, 1994, while the lower section was designated on June 11, 2008.
Thanks to the efforts of SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism and SC Department of Natural Resources a grant was received from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and a Lynches Scenic River Water Trail Guide has been created. The guidebook contains information on the portion which flows roughly 111 miles from U.S. Highway 15 Bridge in Lee County to its confluence with the Great Pee Dee River, which by the way, is another SC State Scenic River.
The guidebook is waterproof, however there are specific instructions on how to dry the sheets if the book gets wet. These instructions can be found on the DNR website under Managed Lands and Secenic Rivers. A pdf of the guidebook is also available at this site.
You can pick up a copy of the booklet (FREE!) at any of these locations:
- Florence DNR office;
- Florence County Planning Department;
- Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation Library;
(carded copies will also be available here and at each of the Florence County libraries)
- Naturally Outdoors;
- Two outfitters on the Lynches River (River Ratz & Swamp Fox);
- Lynches River County Park;
- Woods Bay State Park;
- Lee State Park; and
- The Cotton Museum in Bishopville.
Poster size signs with specific information will be placed at the following landings:
- Highway 15, Lee County;
- Highway 76, Sumter County;
- Highway 401, outside of Olanta;
- Half Moon Landing, above Johnsonville;
- Highway 41/51, Odell Venters Landing;
- Lynches River County Park @ canoe landing and @ Highway 52 landing.
Small blue "South Carolina Scenic River" tree signs will be posted visible by water or land at other landings available to the public. No signs will be posted on private landings.
Thanks to the efforts of SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism and SC Department of Natural Resources a grant was received from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and a Lynches Scenic River Water Trail Guide has been created. The guidebook contains information on the portion which flows roughly 111 miles from U.S. Highway 15 Bridge in Lee County to its confluence with the Great Pee Dee River, which by the way, is another SC State Scenic River.
The guidebook is waterproof, however there are specific instructions on how to dry the sheets if the book gets wet. These instructions can be found on the DNR website under Managed Lands and Secenic Rivers. A pdf of the guidebook is also available at this site.
You can pick up a copy of the booklet (FREE!) at any of these locations:
- Florence DNR office;
- Florence County Planning Department;
- Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation Library;
(carded copies will also be available here and at each of the Florence County libraries)
- Naturally Outdoors;
- Two outfitters on the Lynches River (River Ratz & Swamp Fox);
- Lynches River County Park;
- Woods Bay State Park;
- Lee State Park; and
- The Cotton Museum in Bishopville.
Poster size signs with specific information will be placed at the following landings:
- Highway 15, Lee County;
- Highway 76, Sumter County;
- Highway 401, outside of Olanta;
- Half Moon Landing, above Johnsonville;
- Highway 41/51, Odell Venters Landing;
- Lynches River County Park @ canoe landing and @ Highway 52 landing.
Small blue "South Carolina Scenic River" tree signs will be posted visible by water or land at other landings available to the public. No signs will be posted on private landings.
The date, time and location of the Dedication has yet to be determined. I'll keep you posted.
I can't begin to elaborate on all of the great information this guidebook contains. So, run out and pick one up soon (limited supply of FREE books) and take it with you on your next outting on the Lynches River. I've got mine and my outting is in the works. See you on the river!
I can't begin to elaborate on all of the great information this guidebook contains. So, run out and pick one up soon (limited supply of FREE books) and take it with you on your next outting on the Lynches River. I've got mine and my outting is in the works. See you on the river!
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