Friday, November 7

Comprehensive Plan Elements

What in the world is a 'Comprehensive Plan Element'?

As required by State Law, the local planning commission must develop and maintain a planning process to guide the development and redevelopment of its area of jurisdiction. This planning process is the 'Comprehensive Plan'.

Exciting stuff!

Nine elements are included in this plan. They are reviewed every five years and updated every ten years. The 1997 elements are currently being updated. These (**) elements have been adopted by County Council and are available on our website for viewing.

The Administrative Procedures outlines the adoption process for each element. A 'DRAFT' of this document in addition to the next element, Community Facilities, will be posted on our website soon. They have been written and we are proceeding with the adoption process on them.

Each element entails the following information in regards to Florence County:

  1. inventory of existing condition;
  2. future projections;
  3. a statement of needs and goals; and
  4. implementation strategies with time frames.

The County Services Department spends many months searching for and preparing this information for you. So, take a look at them on the website. It's quite amazing to see how our county has grown and is still growing!

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