As you can see by the graphic, our air quality, particularly ozone, can be mostly considered 'okay' across the timeframe of April to August, since it resides mostly below the national standard (the red line). However, there are a few details that we must focus on. However, unlike classic cars, gargantuan gourds or meticulous basketry, we would rather not see these types of details.
So, let's examine the problem dates and ozone concentrations (ppb):
April 18, 2008 - 81
May 23, 2008 - 76
June 19, 2008 - 77
June 25, 2008 - 76
July 17, 2008 - 80
Remember, the national standard is 75 ppb, however, in order to be labeled 'non-attainment' for air quality standards, the average of the past three years, a design value, must be above the standard. This design value acts as a target to beat for ozone levels. For 2008, in order to maintain the standard, the Pee Dee value could go as high as 77 ppb... above the national standard because the third highest value for 2007 was 73 ppb, and 2006 was 76 ppb. In order to meet the standard, the Pee Dee monitor needs to record 77 ppb or lower to maintain the standard.
Confusing, yes, but I am sure there is some statistical genius who put this formula together.
Back to the examination... and a potential solution:
Leaving out the June 25th datum, these above-standard records fall either on a Thursday or Friday of the third full week in each month. Now, I am not a statistician, but those odds seem a bit too regular... and a potential clue to the causes to the spikes.
I am currently looking at potential causes to this anomaly... can I predict that either on August 21st or 22nd and September 18th or 19th, we'll see further spikes? ...I don't know. But keep up the car stories, gourd planting and basket weaving, and I will keep you posted on the investigation.
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