County staff writing about planning policies of Florence County, South Carolina: Future Land Use, Zoning, Transportation, Air Quality and Quality of Life.
Friday, August 22
Perfect Air Quality
Wednesday, August 20
Clyburn and Alexander Address Energy in the Pee Dee
Reverend Alexander started the press conference focusing on the importance of the African American community to engage in the climate change conversation.
Dr. Lawson presented the opportunities of 'green power' in the Pee Dee region, describing many plant materials including switchgrass as fuel sources.
Congressman Clyburn, an advocate for the past ten years for alternative fuel sources such as switchgrass, began by stressing that the U.S. energy policy needs to be a proactive and visionary process and has the opportunity to create new economies. He also warned that misrepresentation of facts is a big challenge for the energy conversation when referencing a recent conversation about offshore drilling.
He likened the idea of increasing domestic offshore drilling the "methadone treatment" to wean off of foreign oil.
The Congressman then talked about human health and its inextricable ties to the quality of our air quality and water supply.
So, now it's your turn to tell us how all this fits into the County's Comprehensive Plan (especially the Future Land Use Plan), tree preservation code language and other programs to increase the quality of our air, water and life.
Monday, August 18
Planning This Week | August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 12
Flip to LID
Monday, August 11
Planning This Week | August 11, 2008
Also, we will be finishing up the bus stop and route data for PDRTA. Our goal is provide a bus route brochure that is easy to read and understand. This information may also be posted on the PDRTA website in the future.
Comprehensive Plan: The Land Use element of the County's Comp. Plan continues to take shape. As discussed in a previous entry, the Land Use element is one of the most important documents for a growing metropolis. It's hard to think of Florence as a big place, especially when we have such large examples like Columbia and Raleigh nearby; but, Florence is growing fast. With so many people, the natural question is 'how should we grow?' That's where your input into making this plan is so important.
Last week, we met with the City of Johnsonville and the Town of Quinby to discuss edits to the drafted Future Land Use map. This week, we will meet with the Town of Olanta to discuss what they want to see the Town look like in the next 20 years. As a follow-up to this municipal meetings, a public forum will be scheduled so residents in each area may see these long-term plans.
Air Quality: After last week's Action Day alert from the Department of Health and Environmental Control, I thought our precarious ozone position would certainly land us deep into non-attainment - however, we have yet to reach that critical point.
In order to further maintain air quality in the future, a higher value should be given to our tree resources. Over the past months, tree protection has been brought to the forefront as a tool to combat our challenged air quality. Trees have the potential to filter air of noxious gases and dust, sequester (take up) carbon, cool our environment and produce oxygen.
So, while allowing for forestry practices to continue, we will be proposing language to add to the County code that would protect certain species, certain number of trees per acre and other specifics for new, large developments.
This plan will make developing in Florence County more sustainable by keeping our environment cooler, managing stormwater, and reducing soil erosion. At the same time, saving trees reduces the cost of installing and maintaining stormwater systems that direct flood waters from new buildings into our rivers. trees will also help out water quality.
Thursday, August 7
Pee Dee Air Quality 2008
As you can see by the graphic, our air quality, particularly ozone, can be mostly considered 'okay' across the timeframe of April to August, since it resides mostly below the national standard (the red line). However, there are a few details that we must focus on. However, unlike classic cars, gargantuan gourds or meticulous basketry, we would rather not see these types of details.
So, let's examine the problem dates and ozone concentrations (ppb):
April 18, 2008 - 81
May 23, 2008 - 76
June 19, 2008 - 77
June 25, 2008 - 76
July 17, 2008 - 80
Remember, the national standard is 75 ppb, however, in order to be labeled 'non-attainment' for air quality standards, the average of the past three years, a design value, must be above the standard. This design value acts as a target to beat for ozone levels. For 2008, in order to maintain the standard, the Pee Dee value could go as high as 77 ppb... above the national standard because the third highest value for 2007 was 73 ppb, and 2006 was 76 ppb. In order to meet the standard, the Pee Dee monitor needs to record 77 ppb or lower to maintain the standard.
Confusing, yes, but I am sure there is some statistical genius who put this formula together.
Back to the examination... and a potential solution:
Leaving out the June 25th datum, these above-standard records fall either on a Thursday or Friday of the third full week in each month. Now, I am not a statistician, but those odds seem a bit too regular... and a potential clue to the causes to the spikes.
I am currently looking at potential causes to this anomaly... can I predict that either on August 21st or 22nd and September 18th or 19th, we'll see further spikes? ...I don't know. But keep up the car stories, gourd planting and basket weaving, and I will keep you posted on the investigation.
Wednesday, August 6
Ozone Action Day
Wednesday, August 6, 2008: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Ozone (104)
** CODE ORANGE ACTION DAY for Trident and Pee Dee Zones for Wednesday **
Today's ozone readings appear headed for peaks in the code Yellow range for the most part with an outside shot at an isolated code orange still possible mainly in the Upstate. For Wednesday, strong high pressure aloft will continue to ridge into the state from the west keeping hot temperatures and mainly dry conditions in the forecast -- although a stray thunderstorm cannot be ruled out. Winds in the lower atmosphere will veer slightly to a more NW'ly direction over northern sections. This will place the Pee Dee zone downwind of the Charlotte Metro plume -- which is the main reason for the code Orange forecast for them. Trident will also be downwind of much of today's "dirty" air and under hot and mostly dry conditions, may not see much relief from the sea breeze. Thus, it is conceivable that code Orange could be reached there as well. In the other 4 zones, code Yellow ozone peaks are expected.
This is our first Action Day for 2008 in the Pee Dee. The Department of Health and Environmental Control has issued an Ozone Action Day for the Pee Dee region of South Carolina. Ground level ozone concentrations are expected to be greater than 0.075 parts per million (or greater than 100 AQI). In essence, sensitive groups should limit outdoor activities.
Keep in mind where your pollution goes. Fill your tank after 7:00PM, limit unnecessary trips, use Mass Transit, carpool. Although Charlotte Metro may be the main cause, our vehicle emissions only add to local ozone levels.
The general descriptions of ozone, air quality index levels and potential risks to special population groups are explained below:
Good (1-50)
No health impacts are expected when air quality is in this range.
Moderate (51-100)
Unusually sensitive people should consider limiting prolonged outdoor exertion.
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101-150)
Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.
Unhealthy (151-200)
Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.
Very Unhealthy (201-300)
Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid all outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit outdoor exertion.
If you have any questions regarding the air quality of Florence County or would like to be included in an e-mail distribution of air quality, please feel free to e-mail me at