Thursday, April 29

Freight Movement

A big part of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan is freight movement.

Last Friday we decided to spend most of the day following freight. Don't tell me you never thought about doing this! The purpose was to document routes, light timing problems, congestion, interstate access, speed, travel time from point A to point B and anything else that may be an obstacle for the hauler.

We first tracked a truck going southbound from Lucas St. at 10:00am. We tried to determine what his destination may be by the type of truck but were proven wrong. He passed Pet Dairy, McCall Farms and W.Lee Flowers before stopping at Carolina Eastern in Scranton at 10:30am.

You could tell that the driver was wondering why someone in a Florence County vehicle was following him so we explained the situation. He was willing to answer several questions pertaining to transportation and was glad that this was the only reason he was being followed!

We followed a flatbed truck at 11:05 from Scranton that appeared to be hauling a piece of heavy equipment. This truck continued until the destination of Nucor was reached at 11:53am.

Was his travel time reasonable from A to B? We did notice that there may be some signal timing issues going through Lake City. It's hard to stop in time at a light when you have just accelerated your speed from the previous light.

The next truck we followed was hauling lumber. We tracked him at 1:06pm from Williston to a lumber company off Francis Marion Rd. You could tell that the driver had made this trip many times before and did not seem to have any issues.

Our last hauler left Smurfit Stone at 1:45pm and continued past the Florence County line approaching Marion County at which point we turned around and returned to the office. We were trying to determine where his load had originated.

We came to the conclusion that milk and lumber are two commodities that seem to dominate the freight world in Florence on Fridays and perhaps Mondays may be a busier day for freight movement.

Beware of the vehicle following you! We want your feedback.

Thursday, April 22

What are Your Transportation Ideas?

We want to know and here's your opportunity to tell us! Could your concerns be congestion, speed limit too high, transit route needed, sidewalks needed, freight congestion, or ?????? There are no wrong answers!

Florence County Planning Department is in the process of preparing the Transportation Element. This document was recently legislated as an addition to the Florence County Comprehensive Plan. This element will examine the transportation facilities, including major road improvements, new road construction, transit projects, pedestrian and bicycle projects, and other elements of a transportation network.

This element must be developed in coordination with the land use element, to ensure transportation efficiency for existing and planned development. In addition, the plan considers the FLATS (the local metropolitan planning organization) long-range plan and future municipal plans.

Do you remember how much fun the 'let's play dots' land use map was? We received tons of input from you. Thank you! Let's play again! Maps will be on display at all six Florence County library locations and in the lobby at the Florence County Planning and Building Inspections Department, 518 S. Irby Street by Monday, April 26th. Just place your dot on the area of concern, number it and write your concern on your number on the 'Idea List' at the bottom of the map.

We're also hosting three public meetings in three different locations for your convenience. Pick one or join us for all...
  • Thursday, April 29th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Lake City Senior Center, 198 N. Acline Street;
  • Tuesday, May 4th, 6:30 p.m. , Johnsonville City Council meeting, 111 W. Broadway St.;
  • Thursday, May 6th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation Library meeting room, 509 S. Dargan St.

We'll compile all of your ideas/concerns and present them to the Florence County Planning Commission on May 21st during their workshop on this element. We'll be looking for you!

Monday, April 5

A Blue Trail For Florence?

How awesome it would be if a portion of Jefffries Creek could become a Blue Trail! The Congaree, Wateree, Wacammaw and Reedy Rivers, are just a few Blue Trails you may be familiar with. Until I started educating myself on Blue Trails, I had no idea the length of Jeffries Creek. It's headwaters begin just south of Hartsville flowing through Florence and Darlington counties for approximately 34 miles before reaching the Great Pee Dee River. Pretty amazing!

Not familiar with what a blue trail is? It's water equivalent to a hiking trail benefiting paddlers, anglers, hikers, picnickers or for those of us just seeking a bit of solitude. I DO love group recreation, but ahhhh...., solitude!

Several interested Florence residents met for a brainstorming session recently. Representatives from American Rivers and Greenville County were there to offer suggestions and share their success stories. Research is on the way to see if this is a possibility. Lots of work would need to be done to make this happen. The group will meet again soon. If you're interested in attending, send me a comment and I'll make sure you know when and where.

Check out the list of SC Water Trails. Can we add Florence County to this list? What's your thoughts? More to come later........

Thursday, April 1

Florence Falling off the Census Ranking

A look at today's Census return ranking shows Florence lagging behind the statewide and national averages.

Check out our status:

Just perusing the map show that some of my colleagues in Aiken County are enjoying a 3 point lead over the Florentines!

We are running neck and neck with Charleston and trailing Greenville!!

Let's go Florentines - return those Census questions and get a gold star!