Thursday, February 25

Aging Boomers Flock to the Southeast

When considering retirement, Baby Boomers have a different opinion than previous generations. It seems that Florida is no longer the first choice for those looking forward to their golden years. The preferred destinations are North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

The 2010 Del Webb Baby Boomer Survey revealed the following information:

  • 42% of today's 50-year-olds plan to move during retirement.

  • 20% preferred South Carolina while 16% chose North Carolina and Florida receives 15% of the vote.

  • 72% of the younger Baby Boomers feel the need to continue employment after retirement while 14% believe the possibility of never retiring may be inevitable.

The economic recession has changed the retirement plans for many over the age of 55. Savings that would have been used for retirement are no longer there. Downsizing will be necessary but pedestrian friendly communities, trails and public transportation will be high on the priority list when considering retirement destinations. Sprawling subdivisions will give way to a community that supports the urban style of living.

It is certain that the future relocation of Boomers to these areas permits the opportunity to ensure Smart Growth!

Transportation Plan Forging Ahead!

The last two weeks have been non-stop transportation planning for the Florence County Planning Services staff. The Florence Area Transportation Study (FLATS) Long Range Transortation Plan (LRTP) is coming along nicely thanks to Florence County resident's interest and input. The LRTP serves as a guide for overall transportation improvements in the Florence area. Safety and mobility for bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and highway users is so important.

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TPAC) met in the afternoon of February 18th to review the recent updates to the plan. These updates were presented by Kimley-Horn and Associates, the consultants on the plan development. In the evening of the 18th, we had the opportunity to speak with Florence residents at the 2nd public workshop to review the same updates. Participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and then vote on preferred projects from several lists of recommendations.

During the first public workshop a few months back, your major concerns were about the need for more provisional bicycle and greenway space and the need to clean up what we already have in Florence County. You gave us great ideas on problem areas to look at and study.

If you have not been able to attend one of the first two public workshops, you'll have another chance soon, so keep your eyes and ears open for the next public notice. Better yet, comment on this blog and give me your e-mail address and I'll add you to the FLATS Contact List and you'll receive all updates on what's going on in the FLATS area.

In the meantime, take a look at the completed chapters for the LRTP on the transportation website and give us your opinion and feedback.