Wednesday, January 20

Hybrid Rebates Anyone?

The $500 hybrid rebate offer continues until 06/30/10. This rebate was approved for a second year by County Council to encourage "greener choices". Florence County continues to lead the way in improving our air quality and with your help we can make it happen!

Last fiscal year we issued eight rebates to Florence County residents. Six residents were from Florence, one from Scranton and one from Olanta. They were the proud owners of the Toyota Prius, Honda Civic, or the GMC Yukon. These are only a few of the hybrids that qualify for the rebate.

Our first recipient this year is Peggy Brown from Florence. Ms. Brown purchased a Toyota Prius and states that she "LOVES" her car.

If you are in need of a vehicle, we hope that you will consider a new hybrid. The fuel reduction creates significant savings that you will realize over a period of time. This in addition to the reduction of harmful emissions makes the hybrid purchase a wise choice for anyone.

Please visit for more information and the application. A $500 rebate may be awaiting you!

Friday, January 15

Census 2010 Road Tour Comes to Florence

Look for a census vehicle on February 3rd at the intersection of Baroody and Irby Streets. The 2010 Census vehicles are about to invade cities across the U.S. in a national campaign effort to promote communication. The objectives of this Portrait of America Road Tour are:

  • Emphasize how safe and easy it is to complete the questionnaire;

  • Communicate when the form will arrive in households;

  • Show an example of the form and envelope;

  • Educate the public about the uses of census data;

  • Communicate that personal information completed on the form is secure by law;

  • Emphasize that immigration status is not asked on the form.

There will be hands-on experience with promotional giveaways and exihibits that will be inviting while educating the diverse audience. The Road Tour is designed in a way that connects to the public and explains what the census is and why it is important for all of us to participate.

Please take this opportunity to support Florence County in this educational experience that will benefit us for years to come.

Thursday, January 7

A Community Foundation for the Pee Dee Area

Until a few weeks ago, I was not aware of the many benefits available to an area through a community foundation or that nearly all of South Carolina is served by them. The Eastern Carolina Community Foundation serves our Pee Dee area and is located here in Florence at 234 West Cheves Street. This foundation was formally announced in November of 2007 to serve Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro and Williamsburg counties.

If you're as unfamiliar as I was with what a community foundation is and what they can do for a community, let me fill you in. They are tax-exempt public charities created by and for the people in a local area to help improve the quality of life. Their four main roles are:

  • act as grantmakers to any non-profit in the region;
  • community conveners and partners to bring together government, business, and individuals to address local issues and needs;
  • consolidators of existing small foundations; and
  • philanthropic advisors and partners to match donor interests with community needs.

In January of 2008, the Eastern Carolina Community Foundation was chosen as the recipient of the first Liberty Prize from the Liberty Fellowship, a statewide leadership program that seeks to inspire value-based leadership among young South Carolina leaders. This vote validates the importance of the Eastern Carolina Community Foundation not just to our area, but to the state as a whole. Impressive!

Were you able to attend the dedication of the City of Florence Trails System and Family Fitness Day? For those who missed it, it was held on National Trails Day, June 7, 2008. The dedication recognized the growth of the Florence trails system from two miles to 18 miles, stretching from the new Veterans Park behind the Civic Center to Freedom Florence. It was a great day!

Ok, so you missed the 2008 event. You want another chance to join the fun? The Eastern Carolina Community Foundation, along with local volunteers, have just started brainstorming ideas to host a 2010 Florence Trails Event. I'll keep you posted on when and where. More volunteers to help coordinate the event are welcome. If you're interested, get in touch with David Wach, Event Chairman, and he'll add you to his e-mail distribution list. Contact him at (843) 629-4850, (843) 229-9000 or

I've only touched on the surface about this foundation, so check out their website for the whole picture. Susan Bankson, Executive Director, would welcome hearing from you. She can be reached at (843) 667-1131 or