Monday, August 31

Full Week Ahead for Planners

The Florence County Planning Services staff have a week of comprehensive (Comp) plans, transportation scenarios and reporting duties. Plus, our City of Florence colleagues kick off the City Comprehensive Plan this Wednesday at Poyner Education Center, 6:00PM.

The County's Land Use element is making its way to the County Council on September 17th for its public hearing. This meeting will include time for the public to speak about the project before next month's Council vote.

The Administrative Procedures portion to the Plan returns to the Planning Commission September 22nd to review a procedural modification: allowing a rezoning and a Comp plan amendment to occur on the same agenda at the Commission and subsequently, the Council meeting. This amendment will minimize the time to rezone a property if the new designation would include a Comp plan change (to show a coordinated direction.)

Two more elements to go!! We are in the beginning process to tackle the Priority Investment and Transportation elements. Lots of meetings and lots of data! What's very exicting with the Transportation element is playing with Community Viz - a tool that allows the user to change thresholds that change outcomes - a scenario planner! We look forward to sharing these various outcomes.

In the meantime, Kimley-Horn and Associates are making strides to complete the FLATS long-range transportation plan for the urban area. FLATS is the Florence Area Transportation Study, the local metropolitan planning organization which utilizes federal planning funds to lay out a future transportation plan for the more populated area of Florence. A second public meeting will be coming out soon!

We miss our intern - All the best, Dana!

Friday, August 14


Its my last day as an intern and its a bittersweet feeling. These 9 weeks have flown by and I've had the privilege to work with some of the greatest people in the world. Life is about taking chances and I just want to thank Scott Park for taking that chance with me and allowing me to be a part of the FLATS Team. I've learned a lot about the transportation industry and just want to applaud everyone because it isnt as easy as it looks. These individuals above
have taught me to let down my barriers as a person and just how a team works together. I think I've grown so much as a person because of them and just want to tell them thank you.

Signing out one last time,

Dana Washington

Check Out The Signs On Lynches River

The South Carolina Scenic River signs are up!

In an earlier blog, I told you that small "blue" trees signs would be posted at County maintained
boat landings and poster size signs would be posted at seven various landings (locations listed in earlier blog). Last Friday afternoon, the Planning Services Department hung the blue tree sign at Bunk Road Landing. This landing is between Effingham and Coward off Old Georgetown Road. Here we are enjoying the moment!

This is one of the poster size signs that's up at Highway 15 Landing in Lee County.
Here's Mary Crockett with DNR! She just put this sign up at Highway 76 Landing in Sumter County. Thank you Mary for all of your hard work on this project.

Sorry, still no details on a dedication for this portion of The Lynches Scenic River Water Trail. I'll be meeting with the Lynches Scenic River Advisory Committee next week, so stay tuned for more info.

Check out the signs this weekend!

Friday, August 7


  • Ashby Rd. and McIver Rd. (Intersection Improvement) - Periodic lane closures are expected during the week.
  • Ebenezer Road and Pineneedles Road. (Roadway construction; construct 272’ bridge over I-95) - Periodic lane closures are expected during the week.
  • US Highway 378 over the Great Pee Dee River, near Johnsonville (Bridge replacement and roadway construction) - Periodic lane closures are expected during the week.
  • I-95 from north of SC 327 in Florence County to north of SC 9 inDillon County (Rehabilitation: Seal joints on I-95 from I-20 to north of SC 327) - Nighttime three mile lane closures are expected onnorthbound and southbound I-95 from milepost 171 to 193 every calendar day. Closures begin at 7:00 PM and end at 10:00 AM. Alternate routes should be considered. Detour signs are in place for motorists seeking alternate routes in these areas.

Hazardous Materials

IM BACKKK!!! So my time is almost up here with my FLATS family. I have seven days left and everyday I've been here has been interesting. I love these guys and hate to leave :( . But on to my topic of the day. I bet many of you reading this dont know exactly what is transported on the highways right beside you as you drive. Well dont worry. Dana's here to give you the info that you need and with help from a recent study conducted in Florence County I am able to do so. According to the study the 3 most transported Hazardous Materials are: (DRUM ROLL INSERTED)

1. Gasoline

2. Corrosive

3. Flammable

These 3 are the most transported so that means that most likely the truck you're darting in front of or the one you're complaining is moving to slow is transporting one of these 3 items. I bet you guys wont be so quick to complain now or jump in front of one now. That was just a little humor to make you smile. But if you want to see this (See Image Above) keep driving recklessly and you will get your wish. Slow it down and enjoy your drive no matter how slow someone is going in front of you.