The County's Land Use element is making its way to the County Council on September 17th for its public hearing. This meeting will include time for the public to speak about the project before next month's Council vote.
The Administrative Procedures portion to the Plan returns to the Planning Commission September 22nd to review a procedural modification: allowing a rezoning and a Comp plan amendment to occur on the same agenda at the Commission and subsequently, the Council meeting. This amendment will minimize the time to rezone a property if the new designation would include a Comp plan change (to show a coordinated direction.)
Two more elements to go!! We are in the beginning process to tackle the Priority Investment and Transportation elements. Lots of meetings and lots of data! What's very exicting with the Transportation element is playing with Community Viz - a tool that allows the user to change thresholds that change outcomes - a scenario planner! We look forward to sharing these various outcomes.
In the meantime, Kimley-Horn and Associates are making strides to complete the FLATS long-range transportation plan for the urban area. FLATS is the Florence Area Transportation Study, the local metropolitan planning organization which utilizes federal planning funds to lay out a future transportation plan for the more populated area of Florence. A second public meeting will be coming out soon!
We miss our intern - All the best, Dana!