Thursday, May 21

Whirlwind Tour

The Future Land Use has taken the majority of the Planning Services time and we have numbers to prove it!
  • 17 meetings with municipal and non-profit adminsitrations
  • 10 public meetings throughout the County
  • nearly 300 people attended these public meetings (last one's tonight!)
  • 60 visits to the Future Land Use website
  • 82 unique visitors to the planning blog this month alone
  • 129 notes on library maps
  • 263 color dots placed
  • emails
  • phone calls
  • personal visits to the office
It has certainly been a fun journey so far. We have learned so much from residents during our traveling road show. Thank you for your participation and dedicated time to learn about long-range plans for your County!

But it's not over yet. Today, the Planning Commission will be in workshop talking about the plan. It may then be scheduled for their Planning Commission Meeting in June (23rd, 6:30PM). That when the public should come on out for one of the last times to speak on the issue... then, if the Commission recommends the document, it goes to County Council in July - but remember, the public hearing would be the second reading - most likely in August - when residents can speak again on the document.

Friday, May 15

Nightmares to Pleasant Dreams

Five Points... Six Points, just fix it!

This intersection continued to be the joke of the Tuesday night Long Range Transportation Plan public meeting. No solutions yet but this much talked about landmark is definately on the "How To Fix It" list.

We had a great turn out of concerned citizens seeking suggestions to their worst nightmares. It was fascinating to hear the many problem areas and different possibilities of how to better them. We all have the same goals... safety, better traffic flow, side walks, bike lanes, green space and connectivity just to name a few.

Everyone assembled around the maps with drawing tools in hand and began to show one another their areas of concern. Below are a few that were mentioned:

Cashua and Second Loop; Marsh and Edisto; Cherokee and Irby; Palmetto and Edisto; Cherokee and Wisteria; Divert the beach traffic PLEASE; Sidewalks are needed everywhere; Widen McIver Rd to Quinby; Savannah Grove Rd can't handle the growth; Connect Claussen to National Cemetary Rd; Relocate signage; Third Loop is not wide enough and there is no where to go; Paul Jones Rd needs to be four lanes; Keep intersections clean - no trees; No light poles and wires above intersections; Make the land along Jeffries Creek a park or green space.

Then there was this one. Tractor trailers are a problem. Why not put everything back on rail. Isn't that how Florence got started?

This barely scratches the surface of the many conversations around the maps. The Long Range Transportation Plan will take months to prepare and we need your help. Tell us how we can turn your traffic nightmares into pleasant dreams!

Visit our website at and download the Long Range Transportation Plan Questionnaire.

Wednesday, May 6

The Traffic!

It's coming! Are you ready?

Have you been to parties, meetings, farmer's market, airport or the coffee shop when 'the traffic!' discussion arises?

"Marge, I got stuck in the worst traffic on the way here."

"Oh I know, Brenda" Marge replies, "I can't stand it."

Well, everyone is in luck! The Florence Area Transportation Study is here to jot every quip and thought you may have to improve our transportation system: roads, transit, bikeways, pedestrian facilities - if it takes you from point A to B, we will be discussing it.

And the kickoff meeting is Tuesday, May 12th, 5:30-7:30 at the Drs. Bruce and Lee Library on Dargan Street, Florence. Up until the meeting, I will be posting traffic questions on the blog - so take some time to let us know some basic info.

Be there; do something about 'the traffic!' discussion.